Meaning of sulbad






v. 1. solve, find a solution or answer. Átung sulbárun ning kahimtánga kay dì ni madala nátù ug hilakhílak, We will find a solution because we cannot get it over with by crying; 2. undo a knot. Nasulbad ang baligtus sa písi, The knot of the rope came undone; n. solution to a problem. Dì siya manug-an sa sulbad sa tanghágà, He won’t tell us the solution to the puzzle; a. solved. sulbaran n. swivel in a fishline, a revolving link placed between the line and leader to prevent kinking. kasulbáran, kasulbarun n. solution reached. Walay kasulbáran ning sulirána, There’s no solution to this problem.