v. 1. agree to do something, acquiesce. Musugut siya ug akuy mupakúhà níya sa libru, He will agree to do it if I will send him to get the book. Ug sugtun nímu nang matánga sa pagbáhin, maalkansi ka, If you accept that division, you will be at a disadvantage; 1a. agree to let someone do something Musugut ba si Máma mu nga mutan-aw ka ug sini? Will your mother agree to let you go to the show? 2. accept as one’s fiancee. Dì siya musugut ni Pidru kay sugarul, She will not say yes to Pedro because he is a gambler; a. willing to accept or comply. Sugut kag dì ka bahínan? Are you willing not to take a share? masinugtánun a. amenable to requests.
n. edges all around something Gitamnan ug lubi ang súgut sa uma, The farm had coconut trees planted all around the borders.