v. 1. tell someone to do something Sugúun ta ka ug pagpalit ug gasulína, I will send you to buy gasoline. Unsa may isúgù nímu nákù? What do you want me to do? Aku si Husi dila Krus ug dúnay isúgù, I am José de la Cruz at your service. -a ku ninyu forgive me for leaving the table while you are eating (lit. tell me to go fetch something so I may leave the table). 2. in pool, hit a target ball in such a manner that it knocks another ball towards the pocket. Sugúa nang nuybi arung masúd ang kinsi, Knock the number nine ball towards the number fifteen ball to knock it into the pocket (lit. order the number nine ball to make the fifteen go in). 3. use a water buffalo for plowing. Dì pa masúgù ang turíti, You can’t use a young water buffalo for plowing; n. 1. things one was told to do. Gitúman ba nímu ang ákung mga súgù? Have you done the things I told you to do? — sa Diyus napúlù the Ten Commandments; 2. specific duties in an organization, group activity. Unsa may íyang súgù ánang kapunungána? What are his duties in that organization? 3. in phrases: — sa láwas things one has to do out of biological necessity and cannot avoid: urinate, sleep, and the like. — sa panahun exigency resulting from a state of weather. — sa pálad decree of fate. — sa papil according to the script. — sa pagbátì needs arising from some emotion. pa- v. send someone s.w. to convey a message. Pasugúan ta ka ug magsúgud na ang dúlà, I will send someone over to notify you when the game starts. balin-an(→) a. fond of giving orders, not liking to do things oneself. Balinsuguan bayhána dì mulíhuk sa íyang kaugalíngun, She is fond of giving orders to other people. She does not do things for herself; v. be fond of giving orders. -in- n. one sent on an errand. ka-an n. orders, set of regulations. -l-un(→), -l-un household help, servant. pa-l-un, pa-l-un(→) v. hire oneself out as a servant.