n. gambling. Ang súgal mauy nakapútu níya, Gambling made him bankrupt; v. 1. gamble. Ug isúgal nímu ang ímung kwarta, náa ra nà nímu, If you want to gamble your money away, it’s up to you; 2. click, be in position to come to an understanding with one another (humorous). Ulitáwu ku ug dalága ka, magsúgal giyud run ta niíni, I’m single and you are unmarried. We would make an ideal pair. Dì ta niíni magkasúgal kay nagkalainláin ang átung mga iduluhíya, We can’t have a meeting of minds because we hold to different ideologies. (→) v. 1. go ahead with something come what may. Musugal kag larga bísag bagyu? Are you going to take the risk and sail even though there’s a typhoon? 2. risk, expose something of value to loss. Nagsugal ka sa ímung kinabúhì ánang trabahúa, You are risking your life in that work; 3. pretend something to serve as an excuse or to mollify someone Gisugalan níya si Pápa ug hilakhílak arun dì siya hilatiguhan, She treated Daddy to her crocodile tears to escape a spanking. Ayaw kug sugali ánang baráhang dunut, Don’t give me those phoney excuses. -an n. gambling den. sugarul n. gambler; v. be, become a gambler.