a. 1. crowded. Síut didtu sa sini kay maáyu ang pilikula, It was crowded in the movie house because it was a good film; 2. full of weeds or grasses that obstruct. Bungayi ang gardin kay síut na kaáyu, Weed the garden because it is full of weeds; 3. littered with trash; n. trash, weeds; v. 1. force one’s way with difficulty through a crowd or thicket. Gisíut níya ang katawhan pagpaduul sa intabládu, He forced his way through the crowd to get near the stage; 1a. for a sound to penetrate. Ang kabanhà musíut sa ákung dalunggan, The noise penetrates into my ears; 2. become full of weeds; 3. become full of litter. Ginunting papil ang nakasíut (nakapasíut) sa sála, Cut up pieces of paper littered the living room. siutsiut v. scatter litter.