n. 1. zero; 2. situation of having gotten nothing. Dimálas ang ámung pangisdà run kay síru, We had bad luck in our fishing because we got nothing; 3. exactly in round figures, no more, no less. Síru giyung kinsi písus ang hálin, The sales was exactly fifteen pesos. Síru nga siyam ka búlan ang íyang pagmabdus way subrang adlaw, Her pregnancy was exactly nine months, not a day more or less; v. 1. give a zero, make someone come out with zero. Pagtuun kay musíru giyud nang maistrúha, Study, because that teacher will really give a zero. Gisirúhan mi sa ámung kuntra, Our opponents made us come out with zero; 2. put into round figures. Hustu nang aníhun ug masíru nang duha ka túig, It’s time to be harvested when it gets to be exactly two years.
v. 1. feed someone who is weak from childbirth or disease. Dì ku makalakat kay nagsirù kug masakitun, I can’t leave the house because I’m feeding someone that is sick. Sabaw sa báka ang isirù sa nagpatútuy, Give the nursing mother beef broth; 2. give a dole or handout (deprecatory). Dì mu mauwaw nga gubyirnu ang magsirù ninyu? Are you not ashamed to receive handouts from the government?