n. center player in games like baseball, soccer, basketball, tubigtúbig; v. play center.
v. 1. feel offended and hurt, take offense. Unsa may íyang gisintiran, ang ákung gisulti u ag ákung gibúhat? What did he feel offended at? Was it what I said, or what I did? 2. rise to the bait. Gidakup ang asáwa ug anak básun musintǐr ang púga, The wife and the child were arrested in the hope that the fugitive would come out of hiding. sintimintu, sintimyintu n. feeling of hurt, offense. Naghambin siya ug sintimintu mahitungud sa pagtratar níya, She is nursing a hurt because of the way she was treated; v. harbor a hurt feeling, without rancor. Subù siya kay nagsintimintu sa ímung pagkasábà níya, He is sad because he was hurt by your scolding.