[pron., third person plural (they, their, them), topic or nominative case] they
pron. they
they. Muadtu sila sa Mandáwi, They will go to Mandaue. — si, -ng (name) (name) and his friends or family. Túa na sila si (silang) Prid, Fred and his friends have left. silahánun n. 1. townmates. Mutábang giyud si Pidru kang Husi kay silahánun ra, Pedro will surely help José because they are townmates; 2. distant relatives. Silahánun si Piduy ug Baldu kay mag-ágaw ílang isig ka apuhan, Pedoy and Baldy are distantly related because their grandfathers are cousins. níla 1. gen.: of them, by them. Ang awtu níla bag-u, Their car is new. Gibaligyà níla, They sold it. 2. short for kaníla. kaníla dat.: them. Wà ku kakità kaníla, I have not seen them. Kanílang duha, kinsay mas taas? Of the two of them, which one is taller? íla, iláha preposed gen.: their, by them. Ang ílang amahan, Their father. Ílang gipalit, They bought it. 2. thing that’s theirs. Ang ákung awtu bag-u, ang íla (iláha) dáan, My car is new. Theirs is old; 3. their home, place. Háin man ang íla? Where is their house? Adtu ku sa ílang (íla ka) Husi, I’m going to José’s house. silasíla n. related to each other. Si Anuy ug si Badung? Ah, silasíla ra nà, Anoy and Badong? Oh, they are related to each other; v. do something by themselves. Nagsilasíla ra sila ug pangáun, walà manawag, They just ate by themselves. They did not invite us. ilaíla see silasíla, v. ilahánun see silahánun.