v. 1. propel something with the feet, bending the knees and kicking the legs. Sikári ang síya arun dílì na lang nákù kuháun, Kick the chair over here so I don’t have to get it. 2. pedal. Kumpása ug síkad ang makina, Pedal the sewing machine rhythmically; 3. have two fighting cocks spar by holding them by the tail and allowing their legs to scratch or kick the ground. Kanúnayng isíkad ang manuk arun lig-un ang tiil, Always have the cock spar to make its legs strong; 3a. — ang manuk for a candidate for a woman’s hand to say his piece. Dílì maáyung musíkad ang ákung manuk kay wà sugta, My man doesn’t know how to talk to women because he was unsuccessful. (→) see aninikad. pa- v. base an argument or belief. Ayawg ipasíkad ang ímung hukum sa mga tabìtábì, Don’t base your decision on gossip. pina- n. based on. Panglíhuk nga pinasíkad sa maáyung pamatásan, Behavior that is based on good manners. paN- v. 1. push with the feet exerting effort; 2a. kick the ground, as if eager to fight. Ag túru nagpanikad kay gustu nang muhasmag nákù, The bull is pawing the ground because it wants to charge me. 2b. be very eager to do something Nagpanikad siya ug adtu sa Manílà, He is very eager to go to Manila. -um-(→) v. originate, start from. Ang ílang áway nagsumikad sa pagbáhin sa irinsiya, Their quarrel started from the apportioning of the inheritance. sikadsikad, aN-r-(→) see aninikad.