adj. naughty
a. 1. mischievous, given to doing irresponsible but harmless fun. Siaw kaáyu ning batáa kay íyang gihuktan ug písì ang íkug sa irù, This child is very mischievous because he tied a rope to the dog’s tail; 2. misbehaving. Siaw batáa, way disiplína, A misbehaving, undisciplined child. — sa babáyi philandering; v. be, become mischievous, misbehaving. (←) v. 1. get worse; grow more [adj.]. Ug pahilúmun siya, musíaw siya hinúun, If he is told to keep quiet, he gets noisier instead; 1a. be, become worse, more intense. Misíaw ang ilagà sa Mindanaw, The rats are getting worse and worse in Mindanao; 2. joke, play a prank on. Nagsíaw ka tingáli kay láin ang nutisya nga ákung nadunggan, You must be joking because I heard a different story. pa- v. engage in mischief. Ug magpasíaw ka, mabanhà ang klási, If you are mischievous, the class will be noisy. ma-un a. characterized with jocularity.