a. easy. Sayun kaáyu ang iksámin, The test was very easy. Sayun man gung bayhána maung pirming paangkan, That woman is easily had. She has had several children out of wedlock; v. 1. be or make something easy. Sayun nà siya patuhúun, It’s easy to make him believe something Ug gisayunan ka sa iksámin, handrid giyud ka, If you consider the test easy, you must have made a hundred; 2. be too familiar with someone so as to take him for granted. Ngánung manggáwì ka man sa ákung mga butang? Mu rag gisayunan ka nákù, Why do you use my things? It seems as though you take me for granted. sayunsáyun v. 1. do something with great ease or facility. Gisayunsáyun lang níya ug húbad ang ‘Ultimu Adiyus,’ He just translated the ‘Last Farewell’ with the greatest of ease; 2. take someone for granted. Sayunsayúnun (sayunsayunun) lang ku ninyu nu, ábi kay minsahíru ra man ku, You give me orders just like that just because I’m a mere messenger here. paka- v. take someone or something for granted. Nagpakasayun ka lag kúhà sa ákung kinawus, You just help yourself to the water I fetched. Gipakasayun lang níla ang kaminyúun, They think marriage is such an easy thing. ka- n. ease, facility of doing something.