v. 1. for something that fell to be caught atop something Nasay-a sa sandayung ang búlang gilábay, The ball that was tossed landed in the gutter; 2. wind up s.w. Ang táwung maantígung mutrabáhu makakaun bisag ása musay-a, A man who knows how to work can eat wherever he winds up. 2a. stay in someone else’s home temporarily. Makasay-a kahà mi sa inyu ug magabin-an mi? Can we stay at your place if we are overtaken by night? Kamurúsan ang nasay-ahan sa mga bakwit, The evacuees happened to stay among the Muslims. say-asay-a see say-a, 2, 2a.
v. overflow from a container. Nagsay-a ang isdà sa íyang sakayan, His boat is filled to overflowing with his catch. Napáwung ang káyu sa abúhan nga gisay-ahan sa sabaw, The fire went out when the soup spilled over on it.