tenant farmer
n. sharecropper. Dílì ni ákung yútà, saup lang ku dinhi, This is not my land. I’m just a sharecropper here; v. work a piece of land by sharecropping. paN- v. earn one’s living as a sharecropper; n. sharecropping.
v. be in an angry mood. Gisaupan ku kay gilabtan ag ákung butang, I was in a bad mood because someone touched my things.
v. 1. for a liquid or water level to be above the surface of something Kinahanglang musáup ang túbig sa karning lat-an, If you boil meat, the water level should be above it. Gisaúpan (gisáup) sa túbig ang dakung pátag, The vast plain was flooded with water; 2. flood with feelings. Misáup sa íyang dughan ang hilabihang kamíngaw, She was overwhelmed with feelings of loneliness. Gútum nga misáup sa balángay, A famine which overwhelmed the village.