n. 1. exclamation: short for Santa Maríya (see 3b). 2. title for female saints. Santa Katalína, Saint Catherine; 3. in phrases: — búla the Papal Bull granting special indulgence to Spain and her colonies. — iglisya the Holy Church. — Kláwus Santa Claus. — krus a. the Cross. b. Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, celebrated in the Philippines in May, a novena culminated with feasting and merry-making; v. offer a devotion to the Holy Cross. — Krúsan n. the celebration of the Holy Cross as practiced in Luzon with a Rayna Ilína. — lána a. holy oil. b. extreme unction. — Maríya a. Holy Mary. b. exclamation of sudden surprise or worried fear. Santa Maríya, mahúlug ang bátà, Christ! The child is going to fall! — santíta see santíta. simána — The Holy Week preceding Easter. — sína communion given by Protestants as part of their church service (as opposed to the Catholic communion—kaláwat or kumulga); v. 1. administer communion; 2. take communion.
see salantà.