v. 1. adopt or take someone under one’s care. Ug sagupun ta ka, dad-un mu ang ákung apilyídu, If I adopt you, you will take my surname; 1a. harbor, give temporary shelter. Saláud ang pagsagup ug púga, It is a crime to shelter an escaped convict. Ang ákung kandidatúra gisagup sa partídu, My candidacy was under the aegis of the party; 2. accept an idea, belief. Ang pagsagup sa binag-ung paági sa pag-uma, Adoption of the modern methods of farming. Ang kumunismu sayung sagupun sa mga pubring nagkalisudlisud, It is not hard for the poor people who have a hard life to embrace communism. -in- n. an adopted person.