(from bulag) v. 1. throw liquid or something in grains. Kinsay nagsabwag nímu ug túbig? Who threw water on you? Sabwági ug balas ang dáub kay misiláub, Throw sand on the fire because it flared up. Isabwag ang sinsilyu sa mga bátà, Throw the coins out to the children; 1a. supply in abundance. Dílì makadaug ang pulitikung way kwartang isabwag, The politician who doesn’t have money to spread out can’t win; 1b. emit, send forth something in extensive or intensive degree (literary). Búlan nga nagsabwag sa íyang kasílaw, The moon that was sending forth its rays; 2. spread news, make something known to many. Isabwag ang balità nga nakadaug kita sa burúka, Spread the news that we have won the court case; 3. spread. Misabwag sa íyang láwas ang hanggà, The smallpox spread all over her body. -ay n. a version of jackstones where the player throws a number of stones on the ground and flips them against each other; v. play sabwagay.