Meaning of púsu



n. 1. artesian well, naturally flowing or operated with a pump; 2. hand pump used to draw water from under the ground. — artisyánu see púsu, n1. v. construct an artesian well.



n. 1. banana blossom including the petals; 2. ear of corn; v. for corn to have ears or bananas to develop their blossoms. Daling mamúsù (mupúsù) ang mais nga masurku, Corn will quickly bear ears if the soil around it has been dug up. (→) n. 1. rice cooked in woven coconut leaves formed like a banana blossom; 2. woman’s breast (euphemism); v. 1. make, have rice of this type; 2. gather, get banana blossoms for food. pusùpúsù sa bitíis n. biceps or the muscles of the lower legs. -in- n. by the ears; v. count, share corn by the ears. -in-(→) n. large ears of corn. Ipanglain ang mga pinusù sa mga buging, Separate the large ears of corn from the small ears.