Meaning of pulang



n. kind of sharp machete with a round or square tip for heavy-duty work; v. 1. make a machete of this type; 2. acquire this kind of machete.



v. for a baby to learn to jump, bounce up and down when held. Mupúlang na ang bátà, The child is now learning to jump. Dì pa makapúlang si Bíbi, Baby can’t jump yet; 2. put a child in a pulangan. -an(→) n. chair attached to a spring pole in which a baby is placed so that it can jump up and down.



v. die from intense cold, feel as cold as if one was about to die. Ang katugnaw mauy mupúlang sa mga háyup, The cold will kill the animals. Gipúlang ku, I’m freezing to death.