v. 1. compel someone to do something Dì untà ku mupalit, apan mamugus giyud ang ákung asáwa, I didn’t want to buy any, but my wife insisted. Way nagpugus nímu pagpakasalà, No one is forcing you to commit a sin; 1a. pugsun ug — it cannot be helped that (such-and-such) is the case. Pugsun ug daghang mangulitáwu nákù, Can I help it if lots of men fall for me? Pugsun ug nasayup ku, I couldn’t help making a mistake; 2. force something to give way. Ayaw pugsa (ipugus) pagpasulud kay mabúngì, Don’t force it in or you might break it. Mabugtù nà ug pugsun pag-ínat, It will snap if you stretch it too far. pugsunun a. needing to be urged or told to do something Ang mutsatsang pugsunun maáyung ikurindu, You might as well get rid of a maid that you have to keep telling to get to work. pugsunun ug útuk a. slow in comprehension. Intirisádu siya muiskuyla apan pugsunun kaáyug útuk, He likes to study, but he is very slow. mapugsánun, mapinugsánun a. insistent (literary). Usa ka mapugsánung maghahálad, He is a persistent suitor. -u(←) a. insistent, demanding of oneself or others. Pugúsu ka man gud. Ímung pugsun bísag dì mahímù, You are highly demanding. You try to force people to do things they can’t do. Pugúsu nang pliyíra, mulusut bísag blakíngan, He is a persistent player. He forces his way through to the basket even if he is blocked; v. become insistent, persistent in doing something.