n. price; a. high-priced. Prisyu kaáyu ang isdà karun kay nihit man, Fish is high-priced today because it is scarce; v. 1. set a price on something, have a price. Ug muprisyug barátu palita, If it is priced cheap, buy it. Dì ku makaprisyu ug ubus pa niánà, I can’t give a lower price. Mahal ra tung ímung giprisyu nákù, The price you quoted me was a bit high; 2. get something for a certain price. Wà ku makaprisyu (maprisyuhi) ug barátu niánà, I couldn’t get a low price on that. — píhu, píyu fixed price. pa- v. for a woman to conduct herself as if she were very high class in order to make a good marriage. Ug magpaprisyu, lagmit dì ka mahálin, If you set a high price on yourself, no one is going to buy you.