— [number of English origin] (so-and-so) many points advantage. Hatágan níyag plas payib ang bangà níyang kuntra, He will give his weaker opponent a five-point advantage.
v. flush the toilet, flush water over an area. Iplás ang kasilyas humag gámit, Flush the toilet after using it. Giplásan níya ug túhig ang húgaw sa salug sa banyu, She flushed water over the bathroom floor to get rid of the dirt; n. flush mechanism.
n. flash equipment of a camera; v. flash news over the radio or on the screen. Ang kalit nga kamatáyun sa prisidinti sa násud giplás sa radiyu karun, The sudden death of the president was flashed over the radio now. -ing n. 1. appearance of the characters on stage before a play begins; 2. short advertisement flashed on the screen in the movies before the show begins.