v. 1. flick the fingers; 2. for an instrument to hit something accidentally. Paháwà dihà kay hipitukan ka sa sundang, Get out of there because the bolo will hit you; 3. hit with a sudden, sharp blow. Gipituk níya ang babáyi sa martilyu, He hit the woman with a hammer; n. 1. flick of the fingers; 2. sharp, sudden blows.
v. for the eyes to stare blankly into space. Nagpituk ang íyang mata kay lawum ang íyang gipinsar, He stared blankly into space because he was absorbed in deep thought. pitukpituk v. 1. stare without thought, blinking the eyes. Mupitukpituk lang nang batáa ug latiguhun, dílì muhílak, The child will just stare and blink his eyes if you whip him. He won’t cry. Nagpitukpituk lang ang búang nga gisultíhan, The deranged man just kept staring and blinking his eyes as they talked to him; 2. for a light to blink on and off. Mipitukpituk ang síga sa lamparilya kay wà may gas, The light of the kerosene lamp is flickering because it has no more kerosene. Pitukpitukun (ipitukpituk) gánì níya ang plaslayit, kanà libri na ta pagsulud, When he blinks the flashlight, that will mean that we are free to enter.