Meaning of pinta



v. 1. do something all at once. Pintáha paghákut ang káhuy, Carry the firewood all together. Pintáhig báyad ang iskuyláhan, Pay the school fees all at once; 2. do something in large quantities. Pintáhag palit arun mabarátu, Buy it in large quantities so it will be cheap; 3. hit something squarely such that it has complete effect. Ug mapintag búnal ang irù mamatay giyud, If you hit the dog squarely, you’ll kill him; a. be hit squarely. -da see pinta.



v. guess the value of an inverted mahjong piece by feeling it with the finger tips. Pintáhun ku ang ímung witingan, I’ll feel the piece to see which one is the one you are waiting for. -da see pinta.