n. turtle
n. sea turtle; v. ] be affected by a sea turtle—i.e. be unable to come apart in intercourse (from the kind of sorcery where the penis of a sea turtle is hidden in the clothing of an adulterer so that he can not disengage when he has intercourse). Wà kunu mag-úkang ang mga mananapaw. Gipawíkan (gipawikánan) tingáli, They say the adulterers could not come apart. No doubt they were victims of sea turtle sorcery. -in- a. crying with a profuse flow of tears (like a sea turtle is said to do). -un a. tending to cry easily. Kadaghánan sa mga babáyi pawikánun, Most women are crybabies; v. get so one cries at the slightest provocation.
see guyungguyung.