see butung.
v. place something on top of something else. Ang lángaw nga makapatung sa kábaw magpakakábaw sad, A fly that alights on a carabao thinks he, too, is a carabao (becomes swell-headed). Patúngi ang mga papil arun dì manglúpad, Put a weight on the papers so they won’t get blown away; n. 1. pile. Natumpag ang pátung sa mga diláta, The cans that were stacked up neatly came tumbling down; 2. interest on money. Pilay pátung sa kwartang ímung gihulaman? How much interest did they charge on the money you borrowed? patungpatung v. pile, be piled up, accumulated. Nagpatungpatung ang ákung trabáhu, maung sígi kug ubirtayim, My work is piling up, so I keep having to work overtime. hi-/ha-(→), hi-/ha- 1. be at the top of something Paghipátung níla sa bungtud, When they reached the top of the mountain; 2. reach a certain height of affluence. Nahipátung ku sa kahamugáway kay nakadaug kus swipstiks, I was on easy street when I won the sweepstakes.