n. kind of fern, the young leaves of which are eaten as a salad: Athyrium esculentum.
n. plaster of belladona: kind of plaster applied locally for muscular aches; v. apply a plaster of belladona.
n. 1. wings; 2. ventral fin; 3. means or instrument to achieve something: money, credentials, ability (colloquial). Dì ku makapamyista kay wà man kuy pakù, I can’t attend the fiesta because I don’t have the money for the fare. Dì ka mauwaw nga murikumindǎr níya kay hustu nà sa pakù, You need not be ashamed to recommend her because she has the qualifications; 4. armpit (humorous euphemism); v. put wings on. pakùpákù n. upper part of back just below the shoulder. paN- v. grow wings. pak-an a. 1. winged; 2. devilish. Pak-an bayà nímung dakù! You are a devil.
v. be frustrated in one’s efforts to accomplish something Wà ku mapákù sa ákung pagpanágat gabíi kay nakadá kug diyútay, It was worthwhile going fishing last night because I managed to catch some.