v. pay in full. Gipagáhan na nákù ang bayranan sa iskuylahan, I have paid the tuition fees in full. — distínu see pagádu distínu. midiya — half fare. -du n. paid off. Pagádu na ang útang, The debt has been paid off; v. get paid up. -du distínu for a passenger’s fare to be paid on arrival. Pagádu distínu ang ákung paglakaw, My trip was on the payment-upon-arrival basis; v. travel on the payment-upon-arrival basis. -díru distínu see pagádu distínu. -dur n. paymaster; v. become the paymaster.
n. 1. shelf put above the stove. Limpiyúhi ang mga kúlun ug ibutang sa pága, Clean the pots and place them on the shelf; 2. platform built close to the roof forming a loft but not extending the entire length of the house; v. put a shelf, loft in a house.