pron. which
grammatical marker. short forms: ng after vowels, n, ʔ; zero after consonants; 1. following preposed gen. Íya kung gilípay, He made me happy. Ang íyang payag, His hut; 2. following demonstratives and interrogatives. Taw-an kanang kahúya, That tree is inhabited by spirits. Unsang adláwa run? What day is it today? 3. between members of a two-headed endocentric construction. Nindut nga sinínà, A beautiful dress. Plawtang kawáyan, A bamboo flute. Usa ka húngut nga tubà, A coconut shell full of palm toddy. Ang ákung gihulaman nga bulpin, The ball point pen that I borrowed. Gihilásan ku nga namátì sa íyang hambug, I was disgusted listening to his boasts; 4. preceding a clause: that. Nahadluk siya nga mapugus pagminyù sa Insik, She feared that she would be forced to marry the Chinaman. Huhungíhung nga daghan kag babáyi, Rumors that you have many mistresses; 4a. when (such-and-such) a thing is the case. Unsáun man nímu pagpanghimakak nga náa may nakakità? How can you deny it when so many people saw it? 5. linker between a word that expresses manner or mode and a verb that follows it. Siya gustung magpárì, He wants to be a priest. Maáyu siyang mubinisayà, He speaks Visayan well. Mahímù ka nang mulakaw, You may leave; 6. preceding the goal of a verb which refers to the same thing as the subject of the verb. Gipílì siyang prisidinti, He was chosen president. Nagpabílin silang malipáyun, They remained happy; 7. daghan — there are, were many. Sus, kadaghang táwu, My! How crowded it is! 8. (noun) nga (noun) the very (noun) itself. Si Biguy nga Biguy mihukum gánì sa ingun, ikaw pa! Biguy himself (great as he is) thought so—how could you say otherwise!
see ingà.