v. 1. be asleep soundly. Magmúuk ug katúlug ang bátà human digúa, A baby sleeps soundly after you bathe it. 2. stay in bed due to inactivity. Magmúuk lang siya kanúnay sa banig bísag udtu na, She is always staying in bed, even if the sun is up. 3. be so that air cannot get at it. Ug magmúuk ang ímung samad, dílì mamaáyug dalì, If your wound is wrapped up so air cannot get at it, it will take a long time to get better. muukmúuk ug katáwa v. roll with laughter, suppressing the sound. Nagmuukmúuk mi pagkatáwa sa ámung maistrung wà makapamutúnis, We practically exploded with laughter at our teacher because he hadn’t buttoned his pants. -an(→), pala- a. sleepyhead.