v. 1. die. Namatay si Simyun sa tísis, Simeon died of tuberculosis. Sakit nga makamatay, A disease that kills. Katigúlang ang íyang namatyan (gikamatyan), He died of old age. Namatyan silag bag-ung inanak, They lost a newly-born child. Ikamatay nákù ang ímung pagbíyà, If you leave me I will die; 2. stop functioning. Namatay ang rilu, The watch stopped. Namatay ang makina taliwā̀ sa lawud, The engine went dead in the middle of the sea. Namatay ang sugà pagbutu sa pyús, The light went out when the fuse blew; 2a. for the moon to be in its invisible phase. exclamation 1. of displeasure. Matay! Kabahù, Jesus! What a smell! Matayng mahála, How expensive it is! 2. swearing as to the truth of something Matay! Ug wà pa ka, patay tà ku run, Believe me. If it hadn’t been for you, I’d be dead now. Tinúud lagi nà. Matay pa, It’s true, so help me God. ka-(←) v. for people to be killing each other. Nagkamátay lang kanúnay ang mga nanagkaáway didtu sa Byitnam, There is a lot of killing in this war in Vietnam; n. mass death, killing on a vast scale. Mahitabù ang kamátay tungud sa típus, Typhus can mean mass death. paka- v. 1. die for a cause. Gipakamatyan níya ang yútang natawhan, He gave his life for his country; 1a. commit suicide. Magpakamatay siya kun mapakyas, He will kill himself if he fails; 2. allow someone to die. Pakamatyun lang mi ninyu sa gútum? Will you let us die of hunger? 3. allow dirt to get deeply engrained. Ang linadlad nga pakamatyan sa sabun kúling maputì, If you bleach clothes under the sun without sprinkling (lit. allow the soap to die in the bleaching), it will never get white. panga-(←) v. die (plural). Nangamátay ang ákung mga manuk, My chickens died. sa tanang nanga- more (so-and-so) than anyone else (said of bad traits). Tapulan ka sa tanang nangamátay, You’re the laziest of the lazy. hi-un nga búlan n. last quarter. bispiras sa hi-un the last day the moon can be seen before the new moon (patay ang búwan). himalatyun a. dying. Lúya na kaáyu ang himatyun níyang inahan, His dying mother is already very weak. Himatyun na ang sugà kay wà nay gás, The lamp is dying down because the kerosene is all gone. -in- n. human corpse. adlaw sa — All Souls’ Day. -in-(←) v. cry loudly, wail, usually over the dead. Ngánung nagminátay ka man, namatyan ka? Why are you wailing so loud? Did someone die? n. loud wailing. ka- expression of strong anger or disgust. Kamatay, wà giyud masúd ang tris dà, Damn! The number three ball didn’t go into the pocket! kalamatyan, kinamatyan n. a fatal spot in the body. Kalamatyan ang kasingkásing, The heart is a fatal spot in the body. ka-un(→) n. death. Kalit nga kamatáyun, Sudden death. kina-un a. as if one is about to die. Ngánung kinamatyun nang ímung trabáhu? Wà na bay ugma? Why are you working as if you were going to die? Is there going to be no tomorrow? mag-l-(←) n. about to die. Lawus na ang dáhun sa mangga kay magmalátay man, The leaves on the mango tree are withering because they are dying.