[deictic, demonstrative pron.] also
[deictic, demonstrative pron.] then
[deictic, demonstrative pron.] too
1. because. Kay ang íya dapit man sa dáhun, mamúnga dáyun, Because his part was the part with the leaves, it would bear fruit quickly. — ugud because (giving an explanation). Namatay ang tanum kay wà man gud bùbúi, The plant died because no one watered it. 2. after an interrogative: particle to make the question not abrupt. Háin man siya? Could you tell me where he is? 3. particle with a statement contradicting a previous statement or presumption. Dì man nà mau, That’s not the one; 4. particle with a statement giving information. Nía man si Pidru karung buntága, Oh, Pedro is here this morning. — diay I notice that. Nindut man diay ka kaáyung mukanta! Oh, I see you sing very beautifully. — kahà (so-and-so) apparently is the case. Kami man kahay muluhud, anus-a man ang kasal? We are supposed to sponsor you, so when is the wedding going to be? Dì lang ka tagáan. Dì man kahà ka gustu, I won’t give you any. You apparently won’t want any, anyway. — lagi I notice (so-and-so) is the case, nevertheless. Ingun siya dì ka muanhi. Nía ka man lagi, He said you weren’t coming, but here you are! 5. in other phrases: ingun — as well as. Mubuhis ang tagasyudad ingun man ang tagabaryu, The city people, as well as the barrio folks, pay taxes. mau — gánì that’s why, despite what you would expect ... Mau man gánì nga namula ang ákung pánit kay nabulad ku, I have red skin, despite what you would expect, because I was out in the sun. na — see na, 4. pála — run that’s flattery. Pála man run ug dì pa tinúud, That would have been flattery if it were not true. túud — and so, as one would expect. Túud man miabut dáyun ang pulis, And so, as one would expect, the police immediately arrived.
prefix added to bases with a prefix paN- to indicate future volitional active forms. (past naN-; subjunctive maN-. Durative forms: future and subjunctive magpaN-(→); past nagpaN-(→). Potential active: future and subjunctive makapaN-; past nakapaN-.) Mangutána ta kun háin siya, Let us ask where he is. Wà siya mangutána, He didn’t ask. Nangutána ku piru way tubag, I asked but there was no answer. Nagpanguput siya sa kahadluk, He held on with all his might for fright. Walà ku makapangutána, I didn’t get a chance to ask. Makapangasáwa ka na, You can get married now.