a. 1. pregnant; 2. for rice grains to be in the panicle. Mabdus na ang humay, The rice grains are forming; v. 1. get, make pregnant. Mimabdus si Maríya kay hagithagitun kaáyu, Maria got pregnant because she was flirtatious; 1a. carry in the womb. Gimabdus nà siya pagkamatay sa íyang amahan, He was in his mother’s womb when his father died; 2. for rice grains to form in the panicle; 3. for borrowed things to have been kept too long. Dúgay kaáyu nímung giúlì ang ákung libru. Mimabdus na nà, You kept my book too long (lit. so long that it got pregnant). 4. — sa pasálig get fooled by assurances (lit. got pregnant because of promises). Daghan nang mimabdus sa pasálig sa mga pulitiku, Many people have been fooled by the politician’s assurances. pa- v. get someone pregnant. Gipamabdus (gipamabdúsan) si Maríya ni Pidru, Pedro got Maria pregnant.