paN- v. sulk by refraining from doing something because of an offense or a wish not granted. Dì na siya mukanta. Nanglúud nga wà pakpáki, She won’t sing any more. She is sulking because she didn’t get enough applause. luuray v. take offense at each other and sulk. Way mahímù ang átung kláb kay nagluuray ang mga upisyális, Our club won’t achieve anything because the officers are constantly taking offense at each other and refraining from doing things. luuran a. easily given to sulking, withdrawing from an activity.
a. nauseous, causing nausea. Luud kan-un ang pagkáung pan-us, Stale food is nauseous to eat; v. become, feel nauseous. Nagkaluud ang báhù sa kasilyas, The toilet is getting to smell more and more nauseous. Lud-un giyud kung mamínaw sa ímung mga pasálig, I really get nauseated listening to your promises. lud-ánun, lud-unun a. easily given to feeling nauseous.