(not without l) title for grandfather or any other man old enough to be one’s grandfather with whom one is close; v. call someone grandpa.
v. 1. masturbate. Dì na muutug bísan pag lùlúun, I can’t get an erection, even if I masturbate. Ug dì ka kaiyut níya lùlúi na lang, If you can’t have her, just think of her while you abuse yourself (lit. masturbate for her). Ilùlù na lang ang ímung kahígal, Just masturbate your craving away; 2. use equipment improperly. Kinsa na puy naglùlù áning makinilyang nagubà na man pud? Who has been abusing my typewriter? It’s broken again. Hala, lùlúa arun makailis ka, Go on abuse it so you can buy me a new one; n. 1. penis (coarse). 2. — mu expression of disgust at a person. Lùlù nímu, ingun kag mukúyug ka, wà man lagi, You SOB. You said you were coming along, but you didn’t. Diyis sa lùlù mu! Háin may kwartáhun ta run, Hell, if I’ll give you a dime. Where am I going to get the money from! 3. expression of disgust in general. Lùlù! Pirmi lang patay way hárì, Shit! It’s always tails, never heads!