v. 1. close and lock. Grábi sad nímung nakalukub sa pwirta dì na man maabli, You sure bolted the door hard. I can’t get it open; 2. enclose something in an area or by putting something over it. Pagsígig hílak kay lukban ta ka sa kasilyas, Go on, keep crying and I’ll lock you in the bathroom. Lukbi ang kan-un arun dì tugdúnan sa lángaw, Cover the rice so the flies won’t get on it. Gilukban ang lagwirtag paril, The garden was enclosed inside a wall; n. 1. shutter; 2. cover; 3. space enclosed. Túa si Máma sa lukub sa kwartu, Mother is inside the room; 4. kind of fish corral for impounding fish in a receding tide.
n. kind of chisel with a curved (concave-convex) cutting edge. Ang lukub mauy gamítun sa pagkúlit, The curved chisel is used for carving.
v. 1. wrap up in something flat. Naglúkub ku sa hábul kay gitugnaw ku, I wrapped myself up in a blanket because I felt cold; 2. for an atmospheric condition to engulf an area. Milúkub ang kangitngit sa kalibútan, Darkness engulfed the world.