v. 1. uproot, pull something out by the roots. Átung lukáhun ang mga tanum nga way hinungdan, We’ll uproot the useless plants; 2. for two sisters to be married to two brothers. Ang íyang duha ka anak dalága nalúka pagkaminyù sa magsúun, His two daughters were married to the two brothers; 3. dislodge from power, put one’s reign to an end. Way makalúka ni Duránu sa únang puruk, No one can dislodge Durano from his hold on the first district; n. a case of marriage where brothers marry sisters. lukahay v. for brothers to marry sisters.
see lúku (female).
n. short piece of bamboo tube, usually used as repository of documents, jewelry, or anything important; v. store something in a lukà for safekeeping.