v. 1. settle to the bottom of a liquid. Wà makalugdang ang húgaw kay pirming gikútaw, The dirt would not settle because someone kept stirring the water. Dúgayng milugdang ang íyang paun kay súg man, It took his bait a long time to reach the bottom because there was a current; 2. for results of bad action to make themselves felt. Milugdang ang íyang tinuntu. Nakalabus, That is the fruit of his foolishness. He was sent to prison; 3. for tender rice grains to solidify. Wà pa gánì makalugdang ang humay aníhun na nímu, Are you going to harvest the rice when the grains haven’t solidified yet? -in-, ni- n. 1. something that settled; 2. results of bad action. Kanang batáa linugdang sa ímung tinuntu, The child is the fruit of your stupidity; 3. one’s youngest child (humorous). -in-an see -in-, 1.