n. 1. geographical place. Nakaadtu na ku sa lainláing lugar sa kalibútan, I have been to various places in the world; 1a. situation one is in. Ikaw sa ákung lugar ug lalim ba, You try being in my place and see if it is nice; 2. proper place, occasion for something Ibutang sa lugar ang ímung pagpangmik-ap, Use make-up at the proper occasion. Walà sa lugar tung ímung pagsaway níya kay daghang namínaw, It was not the right time for you to criticise him because there were lots of people listening; 2a. proper place of vehicles in the flow of traffic. Patuu. Wà ka sa lugar, Move to the right. You’re not in your lane; 3. vacant place. Dúna pa bay lugar sa dyíp? Is there room in the jeep? 4. available time for something Wà kuy lugar pagsúruy run, I don’t have time to go around now; 5. chance or opportunity to do something Way lugar pagdúul níya kay gwardiyádu, There is no chance to get near him because he is guarded; 6. primíru (ikaduha, etc.) — in the first (second, etc.) place. Ayawg adtu. Primíru lugar istranyu ka, Don’t go there. In the first place, you are a stranger. lugráha, lugaráha n. particular place, time, chance; v. 1. give way or space to. Milugar siya arun makalingkud ang babáyi, He gave his place so the lady could sit. Lugari ang Prisidinti inigsúut níya sa nanambung, Give way to the President when he goes through the crowd; 2. give the chance to do something Musabut giyug íyang pápa kay mulugar man inigpamisíta nákù, Her father is sure understanding because he leaves us alone (lit. gives a chance) when I go visiting. Ayaw siyag lugari nga muantug, Don’t give him the chance to shoot the ball; 3. 3a. get a chance to do something Hagki dáyun siya ug makalugar ka, Kiss her as soon as you get the chance; 3b. have the time to. Buháta ni ug makalugar ka, Do this if you have the time to. 4. pull over in a place proper for stopping a vehicle. Ilugar ang dyip ug muhúnung ka, Pull over to the side of the road when you stop; a. 1. having available space. Kargáhi pa kay lugar pa kaáyu, Put in more passengers because there’s still plenty of space; 2. for there to be a chance. Dì ku mangupya bísag lugar kaáyu, I won’t cheat even if I have a good chance to do so. pa- v. give someone a chance to come near or touch one. Dì nà siya magbinúang bísag palugaran, He won’t do anything foolish even if given the chance. tag- n. spirit inhabiting a particular place. Gidaútan nà siya sa taglugar kay íyang giputul ang káhuy, The spirit of the place made him ill when he cut the tree down.
see kinta.