v. 1. pass by something unnoticed. Sa luyung pultahan siya mulius, He passed thru the back door unnoticed; 1a. fail to see something, skip over something Naglíus lang sila ug wà magkítà, They passed each other without seeing each other and they failed to meet. Giliusan (gilius) námù siya pagsilbi, We skipped her when we were serving; 2. distract someone’s attention from something Akuy naglius sa irù; siya usab nangáwat, I distracted the dog’s attention, while he broke into the house; 3. for something to come and go without being given adequate or passing attention. Pila na ka Sabadu ang milius? How many Saturdays have come and gone? (←) v. 1. keep coming in succession. Naglíus na man lang tung mga maáyung tanyag, Those good offers have just been coming to you one after the other; 2. wriggle through a tight opening. Liúsa (liúsi) ang mga táwu arun maabut ka sa altar, Wriggle through the throng so you can reach the altar. liuslíus v. 1. avoid being caught by changing direction and speed constantly. Lisud siyang dakpun kay maáyung muliuslíus, He is hard to catch because he is good in dodging; 2. manage to get through an argument or interrogation by evasive means. Maáyu siyang muliuslíus sa katarúngan, He is good at giving evasive reasons.