v. 1. for something that wraps something to come open. Miliskag ang dáhun sa ságing nga gipustan sa bulad, The banana leaves which the dried fish were wrapped in came undone. Nagkaliskag ang sáku kay labihang dasúka, The sack is coming apart because it was filled too full. Liskága (iliskag) ang baat, Untie the string; 1a. for something woven to get undone. Naliskag ang banig kay wà masapay, The mat came undone because the edges weren’t closed up. 2. spread out, stick out. Maliskag ang balhíbu sa pábung duúlun, The turkey puffs up its feathers if you get near it. Naliskag ang íyang dunggan pagkadungug sa íyang ngā́n, Her ears perked up when she heard her name; a. spread out, undone. Liskag ug tiil, Spreading feet.