v. 1. forget. Nalímut ku sa átung sábut, I forgot our appointment. Uy, nakalimut ka ug butúnis sa ímung karsúnis! Hey! You forgot to button your pants! Nalimtan nákù ang ákung pitáka! I forgot my wallet! Kalimti ang nangági kanátù, Forget what happened between us. Dílì ku kalimtan tung nawnga bísan ug ása, I will not forget that face anywhere; 2. lose consciousness. Nalímut ku pagkapangkà sa ákung úlu, I got unconscious when my head bumped into something; 3. see limut, v. (→) n. 1. anesthetic; 2. kind of antidote to make someone stop a vice; v. 1. give general anesthesia. Dílì mulímut ang duktǔr ug dúnay sakit sa kasingkásing, A doctor won’t administer anesthesia to someone with a heart disease. Unsay ilimut sa bátang palaihì magabíi? What antidote shall we use on a child that wets his bed? 2. hypnotize, dazzle someone to make him lose his sense of reason or see things in a different way. Ingkantu ang milimut (naglimut) kaníya, An enchanted being led him into a different world. Limutun ka sa íyang katahum, You will be dazzled by her beauty. limutlímut v. forget something at every occasion. Íyang gilimutlimútan ug úlì ang bumba sa ligid, He forgets to return the air pump every time. hika-/haka-(→) v. happen to forget. Nahikalimut siya pagpalit ug sibúyas, She forgot to buy onions. paN- v. 1. lose consciousness; 2. lose control of oneself. Gipanlimútan siyang misagpà sa íyang asáwa, He lost control of himself and hit his wife. -a(←) how very forgetful. Labihan nákung limúta uy! Jesus, how forgetful I am! ka- n. action of forgetting something Way nagtuun sa kalímut, No one learns how to forget. (You’re born with that knowledge.) ma-un, malimtánun, manggilimtánun, limtánun a. forgetful; v. become forgetful. pa- see limut, n.