n. 1. alms; 2. a voluntary contribution to the family of a person who died; v. 1. give alms or a voluntary contribution to the family of a person who died. Mulimus giyud ta inigdúaw sa namatyan, We ought to give a little something when we visit the family of the deceased. Limusi ang makililímus nga buta, Give alms to the blind beggar; 2. give something of great value to the recipient but of little value to the owner. Intáwun, Kurdaping. Anus-a pa man ku nímu limsig pahíyum? Have pity, Cordaping. When will you bestow a smile on me? 3. give something of little value, but unwillingly. Ug dì níya bayran tung dus, ilimus na lang tu, If he doesn’t give me my two pesos back, forget it. I’ll write it off as charity. paki- v. go begging for alms. Magpakilimus na lang ta ug wà nay mahímù, We’ll have to go begging if there’s no other way. linimsan n. amount collected by begging. maka-r-(←), maki-r-(←), paki-r-(←) n. beggar.