v. cheat, deceive. Ása gud nà siya mulimbung (manglimbung) nákù! He would never cheat me! Dílì ku makalimbung (makapanglimbung) sa paghigugma nímu, I cannot commit deception by pretending to love you. Gilimbúngan mu aku sa pag-undang mu ug iskuyla, You deceived me when you stopped attending school; n. action of cheating, deceiving. -an(→) n. 1. inclined to cheat or defraud. Dílì ku makigdúlà nímu kay limbungan kaáyu ka, I will not play with you because you cheat; 2. giving the illusion of being taller than it really is. Limbungan ang babáyi nga naghayhil, The woman gives the impression of being taller than she is because she is wearing high heels. ma-un a. deceptive. Dílì ku mamátì sa íyang malimbúngun nga mga sáad, I will not listen to his deceptive promises. paN- n. deception.