v. 1. turn, change directions. Mulikù ka sa wala padúlung sa pantalan, Turn left towards the wharf. Ilíkù ang dyíp dihang iskináha, Turn the jeep at the corner; 2. bend, be wound around. Nakalikù siya sa bakus sa líug sa irù, She managed to get the belt around the dog’s neck. Kining karsadáha naglikù sa bungtud, This road encircles the hill. (←) v. for a way to be, become round about. Mulíkù ang átung pagkaági ug manúbay ta sa karsáda, Our way will be round about if we follow the road; a. round about way. (→) n. a bent pipe for channelling gas in a lantern. likùlíkù a. 1. zigzagging; 2. not direct to the point, beating around the bush; v. 1. be, become zigzagging. Mupahínay ka ug mulikùlíkù ang karsáda, Slow down if the road starts to zigzag; 2. beat around the bush. Sultíhi ku sa inyung túyù. Ay na lag ilikùlíkù (likùlikúa), Tell me what it is you want. Don’t hem and haw; n. action of beating around the bush. Sa way daghang likùlíkù mipadayag siya sa íyang túyù, Without beating around the bush, he disclosed his intentions. likùlikuan a. one who is inconsistent in what he says, unreliable. Dílì kasalígan ang táwung likùlikuan, A person who doesn’t say the same thing twice can’t be trusted; v. become inconsistent and unreliable. -an(→), -anan n. 1. curve, bend of a road. Náa ang íla sa may likúan, Their place is near where the bend is. 2. place one turns off.