v. for people or animals to lie down. Ayaw ilígad ang ímung igsilimba, Do not lie in your Sunday clothes.
v. pass, pass by, go by. Wà kay gibúhat samtang nagligad ang úras? You did nothing as the time went by? Dì mu makalígad sa Argaw kun muadtu mu sa Baríli, You do not go by Argao when you go to Barili. Ligárun (ligáran) ta nang buntúra, We will go beyond that mountain. (→) a. afternoon, the time after the sun has passed the zenith until sunset; n. crops that are left over after the harvest. Nanghagdaw silag mga ligad sa mais, They are gleaning the few ears of corn that were missed in the harvest. (→) sa kasarángan excessively, more than normal. Ligad sa kasarángan ang ímung pag-inum, You drink excessively.