Meaning of *líbut



unsay ka-an [gen.] what does [gen.] know about it? Unsay kalibútan ku kun diin ka paingun? How would I know where you went to? walay ka-an 1. unconscious. Gidá siya sa uspital nga way kalibútan, They brought her to the hospital unconscious; 2. unaware. Way kalibútan ang ákung gipangulitawhan nga minyù na ku, The girl I’m courting has no idea I’m married.



v. 1. go, bring, put something around a place. Mulíbut siya sa punúan sa káhuy, He’ll go around the tree. Siyay milíbut ug batu sa mga tanum, She put stones around each plant. Libúta ang pusti makalima, dì ka ba malílung, Go around the post five times. See if you don’t get dizzy. Ákù siyang ilíbut sa syudad, I’ll take her around the city; 2. surround. Dì makalíbut ning tirása sa líab, This lace isn’t enough to go all around the neckline. Gilibútan ang mga sundáwu sa mga kaáway, The soldiers were surrounded by the enemies; n. action of going around. — sa around. Mudágan ku líbut sa plása, I’ll run around the plaza. pa- n. surroundings. Limpiyu kaáyu ang inyung palíbut, Your surroundings are very clean. ka-an n. 1. the world, the earth; 1a. láing ka-an the next world; 2. sexual activity (euphemism). Ayaw mu pagpalábi sa kalibútan, Don’t indulge in sexual activity too much. ka-ánun worldly. Kalibutánung mga kalípay, Worldly pleasures.