a. 1. free, not restricted. Libri na ang binilanggù, The prisoner is free. Way pugsanay, libri sa gustu ang táwu, There’s no forcing. Each man is free to do as he wishes; 2. without cost or payment. Libri ang íyang káun, libri siya sa káun, He gets his meals free; 3. having clearance for passage. Inig-ági sa trák sa gawang, tan-áwa ug libri ba ang kílid, When the truck passes through the gate, see if both sides have clearance; 4. safe from destruction. Libri na ang giupirahan, The patient who was operated on is safe; v. 1. give someone free use of something by paying for him or not obliging him to pay. Íya kung libríhun sa pasáhi, She is going to pay for my fare. Nalíbri ku sa plíti, I got to ride free; 2. save from something bad. Ang balanghuy makalibri sa gútum, Cassava can save you from starvation. — kumída, pasáhi n. free meal(s), free passage. Libri pasáhi ka sa barku kay díay rikumindasiyun iadtu sa kapitan, You get free passage on the boat because I have a recommendation for you to give to the captain. librilibri n. a kind of kick-the-can game; v. play kick-the-can. librihay, librihánay v. do something, each man for himself. Maglibrihay (maglibrihánay) tag plíti, Let’s each pay his own fare.
humorous expression uttered upon hearing someone clearing his throat: ‘spit it out’.