v. defecate. Nalibang (mikalibang) ku hasta kalima kay naghibús ku, I defecated five times because I had LBM. — ang bàbà vomit (humorous and coarse). ka- v. defecate, move one’s bowels. Gikalibangan sa bátà ang íyang karsúnis, The child defecated in his pants. Gikalibang nákù ang lísu sa santul, I expelled santol seeds when I defecated. ka- ang bàbà vomit (humorous and coarse). ka-(←) v. have diarrhea; n. diarrhea. Kalíbang ang namatyan sa bátà, The child died of diarrhea. súka ka-(←) n. vomiting combined with diarrhea. ka-an(←) n. toilet. kina- n. stools. ka-un a. feel like defecating.
n. busy work
n. chore(s)
n. activities or chores to keep one busy. Dì ku makaatiman niánà kay daghan kug libang sa panimalay, I have no time to take care of that because I have lots of chores to keep me busy at home; a. having many things to attend to. Libang siya kaáyu mau nga labihan kalimtánun, She has so many things to attend to, she tends to forget details; v. be busy attending to something.