a. 1. tired, drooping from fatigue; 2. for plants to be limp or drooping. Pangúhag laylay nga mais, itambug sa kabáyù, Get the drooping corn leaves to feed the horses; 2a. for leaves to be colored red or yellow; 2b. people at the bottom strata of society; v. 1. be tired. Milaylay (nalaylay) ang ákung abága ug pinas-an sa baskit, My shoulders got tired from carrying the basket. Wà mu layláyig tinindug, Aren’t you all exhausted from standing? 2. droop, cause something to do so. Naglaylay ang abaga, His shoulders are drooping. Layláya (ilaylay) ang sanga arun makab-ut ang búnga, Bend the branch so you can reach the fruit; 2a. gather bent or discolored leaves. ka- tiredness, feeling of being weak from fatigue; n. yellowed leaves on trees that are about to drop.
v. sing with no words other than meaningless syllables. Naglaylay ang inahan nga nagpakatúlug sa bátà, The mother is singing the baby to sleep; n. song hummed or sung with syllables la, la.