v. 1. walk or travel around without any particular purpose. Mulangkuy sila inigpangítag bulad sa tabuan, They walk about in the market when they look for dried fish. Ilangkuy ang masakitun sa wiltsir sa plása, Take the wheelchair patient for a walk in the park; 2. be, become an idler. Malangkuy (mulangkuy) siya kun dúnay kwarta, He becomes lazy when he has money; 3. have sexual intercourse with (slang). Naglangkuy ang magtiáyun súd sa kwartu, The couple are making love inside the room; a. idler, lazy; n. sexual intercourse (slang). langkuylangkuy v. 1. see langkuy; 2. dawdle about instead of working. Sukad sa ákung pagsulud ug trabáhu dinhi wà ku makalangkuylangkuy, Since I started working here I haven’t dawdled around on the job.
n. cutlass fish: Trichiurus spp; a. tall and thin (like the cutlass fish).